sâmbătă, 9 septembrie 2017

Wall light Poppy with blossoming petals

Bendy Poppy wall light with opening flower petalsDesigning the Poppy wall light did not just require an intuition and an eye for detail; a knowledge of physics was also key. The designers wanted to create a floral light which perfectly mimicked the characteristics of a real plant. You don't have to be a biology boffin to know that plants turn towards the sun and open and close their petals in line with the sunrise and sunset respectively. The Poppy wall light mimics this natural spectacle. It may not face towards the sun, but the heat emitted by the bulb, which sits in the hand-blown glass reflector on the end of the arm. The filigree pieces of bimetal have been affixed to this. Bimetal is renowned for the fact that it changes its shape when subjected to different temperatures. Poppy utilises this physical effect. The pieces of bimetal representing the petals unfurl within two minutes of the light being switched on to direct the light outwards. Illuminated from within, the glass reflector also shines in a fascinating way.Poppy fills its surroundings with wonderful lighting that can be directed in any direction you choose. A beige fabric cover surrounds the 75 cm flexible, metal arm on the wall light making Poppy brilliantly bendy. It doesn't matter whether the light is to be directed towards the ceiling, the floor or into the centre of the room; Poppy makes it possible. This wall light is a truly special designer object – it makes you want to turn it on and off repeatedly so you can admire the wonderful spectacle of the opening and closing petals. Click the banner to get it at ONLY: GBP363.9
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