duminică, 10 septembrie 2017

Calgary ceiling uplighter with LEDs and dimmer

Modern Calgary LED ceiling uplighter with integrated reading lightA ring-shaped lampshade, with the illuminated side facing the direction of the ceiling, through which the Calgary floor lamp provides exceptionally welcoming and cosy light. In addition to this light source, a arm is located at the centre of the frame, which is also equipped with warm white LEDs and can serve as a reading lamp, if instead of the cosy uplighter, a precise light for reading is required. The LED uplighter as well as the reading light can be switched on or off using the rotary switches in the centre of the frame. These switches also act as dimmers and allow for continuous adjustment of the brightness. Thus, Calgary is an LED uplighter which provides the highest level of comfort and is a great addition to any modern living room. Click the banner to get it at ONLY: GBP217.9
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