vineri, 1 iulie 2016
Spring Buckle Straps w/ 3/4" Heavyweight Polypropylene
In the old days, this was IT. Spring buckle straps tied anything and everything down. The spring buckle is great, have a light load, you can afford slipping at times, and you need economy. Excellent for use around the homestead, in car camping, or any light duty application. The 1" buckles are available in black as well as nickel finish. Prices shown are for 2' straps. For 3/4" and 1" polypro, add 15 cents/foot over 2' (calculated for you on the order page). For 1-1/2" polypro add 20 cents per extra foot. For more information on how to use and measurements, please click on the technical specs tab.[if gte mso 9]> ONLY: US$ 2.05